Step by Step: A Stylised Pedigree using reshape and ggplot2

During a minor bout of procrastination, I produced a stylised pedigree using Hadley Wickham's amazing reshape and ggplot2 packages in R. Not being particularly artistically minded, I was quite chuffed with the end product:

I’ve had a few requests for the code, so in this post, I provide a step by step guide describing how the graph was produced. In a nutshell, it shows all ancestors and descendants of a single Soay sheep, called “Snowball”, who is indicated by the large dot at the top of the pedigree.

I started with the following data frame, which is a pedigree consisting of Snowball (ID number 2115), its mother and father, all his descendants and their years of birth.

##     ID FATHER MOTHER BirthYear
## 1  905     NA     NA      1982
## 2 1721     NA     NA      1986
## 3 2115   1721    905      1989
## 4 2255   2115     NA      1990
## 5 2310   2115     NA      1990
## 6 2447   2115     NA      1991
##        ID FATHER MOTHER BirthYear
## 1597 8966   6563   5526      2012
## 1598 8967   6486     NA      2012
## 1599 8969   5420   6725      2012
## 1600 8970     NA   7485      2012
## 1601 8971     NA   7159      2012
## 1602 8974     NA   6459      2011

To start, I loaded the reshape package and used the melt function to stack MOTHER and FATHER into variable and value columns, meaning that each parent of an individual will have its own individual line. BirthYear is not important at this stage and was not included in id.vars. Lines with NAs occuring in value were removed.

ped2 <- melt(pedigree, id.vars=c("ID"), measure.vars=c("MOTHER", "FATHER"))
ped2 <- ped2[-which($value)),]
##      ID variable value
## 3  2115   MOTHER   905
## 27 2778   MOTHER  2447
## 38 2922   MOTHER  2447
## 42 2938   MOTHER  2608
## 46 2983   MOTHER  2683
## 47 2997   MOTHER  2683
##        ID variable value
## 3191 8856   FATHER  5420
## 3193 8863   FATHER  6486
## 3198 8964   FATHER  6849
## 3199 8966   FATHER  6563
## 3200 8967   FATHER  6486
## 3201 8969   FATHER  5420

The column value indicates the parent ID relative to variable. Next, value is renamed to Parent.ID. To create the lines between an individual and its mother or father, each parent/offspring combination should be identified by a unique “Group” identifier. I did this as follows:

names(ped2)[which(names(ped2) == "value")] <- "Parent.ID"
ped2$Group <- 1:nrow(ped2)
##      ID variable Parent.ID Group
## 3  2115   MOTHER       905     1
## 27 2778   MOTHER      2447     2
## 38 2922   MOTHER      2447     3
## 42 2938   MOTHER      2608     4
## 46 2983   MOTHER      2683     5
## 47 2997   MOTHER      2683     6

Now we melt again, using "Group" as the id.var, and c("ID", "Parent.ID") as measure.vars.

ped3 <- melt(ped2, id.vars = "Group", measure.vars=c("ID", "Parent.ID"))
##    Group variable value
## 1      1       ID  2115
## 2      2       ID  2778
## 3      3       ID  2922
## 4      4       ID  2938
## 5      5       ID  2983
## 6      6       ID  2997
## 7      7       ID  3082
## 8      8       ID  3293
## 9      9       ID  3382
## 10    10       ID  3384

This can then be merged with the original pedigree Birth Year information.

names(ped3)[3] <- "ID"
ped3 <- join(ped3, pedigree[,c("ID", "BirthYear")])
## Joining by: ID
##   Group variable   ID BirthYear
## 1     1       ID 2115      1989
## 2     2       ID 2778      1992
## 3     3       ID 2922      1993
## 4     4       ID 2938      1993
## 5     5       ID 2983      1993
## 6     6       ID 2997      1994

Now it looks like something we can plot – we have the connections between individuals (indicated by Group) and we have their y-axis positions (BirthYear)). But what about the x positions?

My current solution is to create a list of x coordinates that are equally distributed between 0 and 1, but are also symmetrical around 0.5 to aesthetic reasons. So if there are 5 unique individual IDs within a cohort, their x values would be sampled without replacement from c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1). If two individuals, then x would be sampled without replacement from c(0.25, 0.75).

generateXcoord <- function(size){

  if(size %% 2 != 0 & size != 1){   # Check if size is odd
    newsize <- size - 1
    interval <- 1/newsize
    x <- seq(0, 1, interval)

  if(size %% 2 == 0){    # Check if size is even
    interval <- 1/size
    x <- seq(0, 1, interval)[-size-1] + diff(seq(0, 1, interval))/2   

  if(size == 1) x <- 0.5


## [1] 0.125 0.375 0.625 0.875
## [1] 0.0000 0.1667 0.3333 0.5000 0.6667 0.8333 1.0000

Now loop through the pedigree and sample the x coordinates. Probably quite inefficient…

 #~~ Create an object to save the x coordinates within
xcoords <- NULL

for(i in unique(ped3$BirthYear)){

  # Extract the number of Unique IDs per year and generate X coords
  ids  <- unique(ped3$ID[which(ped3$BirthYear == i)])
  newx <- generateXcoord(length(ids)) # generate X coordinates

  # Append to xcoords
  xcoords <- rbind(xcoords,
                   data.frame(ID = ids,
                              x = sample(newx, size = length(newx), replace = F)))

  rm(ids, newx)

# Merge with ped3

ped3 <- join(ped3, xcoords)
## Joining by: ID
##   Group variable   ID BirthYear      x
## 1     1       ID 2115      1989 0.5000
## 2     2       ID 2778      1992 0.4643
## 3     3       ID 2922      1993 0.5556
## 4     4       ID 2938      1993 0.1111
## 5     5       ID 2983      1993 0.6667
## 6     6       ID 2997      1994 0.7083

NOW WE PLOT. Using -BirthYear will plot the earliest years at the top of the graph and group = Group in the geom_line() call will plot the lines connecting parents and their offspring:


ggplot(ped3, aes(x, -BirthYear)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = Group)) +

Snowball Pedigree raw

First of all, I want to change the parents of Snowball (born 1989) to be plotted on either side. This involves a slightly less automated process of assigning new values to the two parents born pre-1989:

ped3$x[which(ped3$BirthYear < 1989)] <- c(0.25, 0.75)

ggplot(ped3, aes(x, -BirthYear)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = Group)) +


Now to customise the graph. Specifying alpha within geom_line() helps to distinguish the individual relationships within the pedigree.

ggplot(ped3, aes(x, -BirthYear)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = Group), alpha = 0.1) +

Snowball Pedigree Better

And in true 'How to draw an Owl' style, lets add a shed-load of other specifications. In particular, within theme(), element_blank() removes a particular attribute, and plot.blackground is the key to getting the cream background. scale_y_continuous gives the correct labels for the y axis value and a value for each year. labs(x = "", y = "") is a little hack which removes the axis titles.

And finally, geom_point(x = 0.5, y = -1989, size = 4) superimposes a large point over Snowball:

birthyears <- sort(unique(ped3$BirthYear))

ggplot(ped3, aes(x, -BirthYear)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = Group), alpha = 0.1) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_point(x = 0.5, y = -1989, size = 4) +
  theme(legend.position  = "none",
        axis.text.x      = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y      = element_text(colour = "darkgrey"),
        axis.ticks.y     = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x     = element_blank(),
        panel.grid       = element_blank(),
        plot.background  = element_rect(fill = "ivory"),
        panel.background = element_blank()) +
  theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5), units = "cm")) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = -seq(min(birthyears), max(birthyears), 1),
                     labels =  seq(min(birthyears), max(birthyears), 1)) +
  labs(x = "", y = "")

Snowball Pedigree

Base Graphics in R: A Detailed Idiot’s Guide

One of the most powerful functions of R is its ability to produce a wide range of graphics to quickly and easily visualise data. Plots can be replicated, modified and even publishable with just a handful of commands.

Making the leap from chiefly graphical programmes, such as Excel and Sigmaplot may seem tricky. However, with a basic knowledge of R, just investing a few hours could completely revolutionise your data visualisation and workflow. Trust me – it’s worth it.

Last year, I presented an informal seminar on the basics of R Graphics at University of Turku. In this blog post, I am providing some of the slides and the full code from that practical, which shows how to build different plot types using the basic (i.e. pre-installed) graphics in R, including:

After much wrangling with WordPress, I used the very simple ‘Publish’ button on R-Markdown to host the tutorial on RPubs. This post is BIG, but DETAILED. The Tutorial itself is HERE and all code and datafiles are available here.

Feedback is welcomed. I hope someone out there finds it useful!

An Introduction to R Graphics: Slides